php json


Welcome to the OderoPay API! You can use our API to access Odero API endpoints, which can get information on various payments, cards, recurrings, deposits, refunds in our database.

We have language bindings in Shell, Php, Python, and Nodejs! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


You can access our SDK's directly on our Github Page.


Odero PHP Sdk

composer require oderopay/odero-php

Minimum Requirements;


To authorize, use this code:

//Authentication is already handled by SDK
$config = new \Oderopay\OderoConfig('My Store Name', '{merchant-id}', '{merchant-token}', \Oderopay\OderoConfig::ENV_STG);

//Just initialize the Odero Client with given config.
$oderopay = new \Oderopay\OderoClient($config);

To be authenticated, you need to send X-MERCHANT-SIGNATURE value in header.

The header X-MERCHANT-SIGNATURE is generated by each merchant when a new request is initialized to API Endpoints.

Items used in header generation:

Used Algorithm: sha256

How is the header generated?

Card Operations

Store Card

$billingAddress = new \Oderopay\Model\Address\BillingAddress();
    ->setAddress('185 Berry St #550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA')
    ->setCity('San Francisco')

$deliveryAddress = new \Oderopay\Model\Address\DeliveryAddress();
    ->setAddress('185 Berry St #550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA')
    ->setCity('San Francisco')

$customer = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Customer();
    ->setPhoneNumber('  +19159969739')

$card = new \Oderopay\Model\Card\SaveCard();


$cardResponse = $oderopay->cards->create($card);  //CardSaveResponse

   return http_redirect($cardResponse->data['url'])
  "merchantId": "uuid",
  "returnUrl": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "customer": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "deliveryInformation": {
      "deliveryType": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"
    "billingInformation": {
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"

The above command returns an object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

This endpoint creates a card save request and returns the url of hosted card storage page if success.

HTTP Request

POST /api/cards


Parameter Description
merchantId* Your unique merchant ID.
currency* Currency code (3 letters).
returnUrl* Base64 encoded URL where users will be redirected at the end or where they will be redirected if they choose to cancel current action.* Customer email address".
customer.phoneNumber* Customer phone number (should start with country phone number prefix).
customer.deliveryInformation.deliveryType* Delivery type (e.g.: "Sameday").* Alpha code of the country set for delivery - 3 letters.* Where you will deliver requested products / services.
customer.deliveryInformation.address* Customer physical address set for delivery* Alpha code of the country set for billing - 3 letters.* City set for billing
customer.billingInformation.address* Customer physical address set for billing

Delete Card

$cardResponse = $oderopay->cards->delete('cardToken');  //CardSaveResponse


  "merchantId": "uuid"

The above command returns an object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string"

This endpoint deletes a saved card.

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/cards/{cardToken}


Create Payment Request

$billingAddress = new \Oderopay\Model\Address\BillingAddress();
    ->setAddress('185 Berry St #550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA')
    ->setCity('San Francisco')

$deliveryAddress = new \Oderopay\Model\Address\DeliveryAddress();
    ->setAddress('185 Berry St #550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA')
    ->setCity('San Francisco')

$customer = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Customer();
    ->setPhoneNumber('  +19159969739')

$products = []; 
$product1 = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\BasketItem();
    ->setName('Product Name')

$products[] = $product1;

$product2 = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\BasketItem();
    ->setName('Product Name')

$products[] = $product2;

$paymentRequest = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Payment();

$payment = $oderopay->payments->create($paymentRequest); //PaymentIntentResponse

   return http_redirect($payment->data['url'])

  "merchantId": "uuid",
  "amount": "float",
  "currency": "string",
  "extOrderId": "string",
  "extOrderUrl": "string",
  "returnUrl": "string",
  "successUrl": "string",
  "failUrl": "string",
  "saveCard": "bool",
  "recurring": false,
  "submerchants": [
      "extId": "uuid",
      "name": "string",
      "amount": "float",
      "commission": "float",
      "products": [
          "extId": "string",
          "price": "float",
          "quantity": "float",
          "total": "float",
          "name": "string",
          "imageUrl": "string"
  "customer": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "deliveryInformation": {
      "deliveryType": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"
    "billingInformation": {
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"

The above command returns an object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

This endpoint creates a payment request and returns the url of hosted payment page if success. You are an ecommerce company and selling your own products.

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/one-time


Parameter Description
merchantId* Your unique merchant ID.
cardToken Stored card token.
amount* Payment amount.
currency* Currency code (3 letters).
extOrderId* Your internal order ID.
extOrderUrl* Base64 encoded order URL
successUrl* Base64 encoded URL to return on success
failUrl* Base64 encoded URL to return on fail
returnUrl* Base64 encoded URL where users will be redirected at the end or where they will be redirected if they choose to cancel current action.
saveCard Would you like to save credit card and receive a specific stored card token?
recurring* boolean, default false.* Customer email address".
customer.phoneNumber* Customer phone number (should start with country phone number prefix).
customer.deliveryInformation.deliveryType* Delivery type (e.g.: "Sameday").* Alpha code of the country set for delivery - 3 letters.* Where you will deliver requested products / services.
customer.deliveryInformation.address* Customer physical address set for delivery* Alpha code of the country set for billing - 3 letters.* City set for billing
customer.billingInformation.address* Customer physical address set for billing

$paymentRequest = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\PaymentLink();
    ->setItemDescription('Sample Product')
    ->setExpireAt((new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval("P1Y")))

try {
    $payment = $oderopay->payments->create($paymentRequest); //PaymentIntentResponse
}catch (\Exception $e){
    echo $e->getMessage();

  "merchantId": "uuid",
  "amount": "float",
  "currency": "string",
  "expireAt": "string",
  "itemDescription": "string"

The above command returns an object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string",
    "qr" : "string"

This endpoint creates a payment link request and returns the url of hosted payment page if success. Qr is the url of QrCode that could be used directly as image.

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/link


Parameter Description
merchantId* Your unique merchant ID.
amount* Payment amount.
currency* Currency code (3 letters).
itemDescription* Product or Service name
expireAt* Expiration date of the link

Get Payment

$payment = $oderopay->payments->get('payment-id');

The above command returns object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

To get a single payment object, you can call this endpoint.

HTTP Request

GET /api/payments/{id}


$customer = new Customer();

$product1 = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\BasketItem();
    ->setName('Product Name')

$merchant1Products[] = $product1;

//initialize first merchant
$merchant1 = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Merchant();
    ->setName('Sub Merchant Name')

$product2 = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\BasketItem();
    ->setName('Product Name')
$merchant2Products[] = $product2;

//initialize second merchant
$merchant2 = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Merchant();
    ->setName('Second Sub Merchant')

$merchants[] = $merchant1;
$merchants[] = $merchant2;

$paymentRequest = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Payment();
    ->setMerchants($merchants) //add merchants data to payment

$payment = $oderopay->payments->create($paymentRequest);
  "merchantId": "uuid",
  "amount": "float",
  "currency": "string",
  "extOrderId": "string",
  "extOrderUrl": "string",
  "returnUrl": "string",
  "successUrl": "string",
  "failUrl": "string",
  "saveCard": "bool",
  "recurring": false,
  "submerchants": [
      "extId": "uuid",
      "name": "string",
      "amount": "float",
      "commission": "float",
      "products": [
          "extId": "string",
          "price": "float",
          "quantity": "float",
          "total": "float",
          "name": "string",
          "imageUrl": "string"
  "customer": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "deliveryInformation": {
      "deliveryType": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"
    "billingInformation": {
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"

The above command returns object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

Lets assume you have multiple sub merchants. And your customer has multiple items from different submerchants in their basket. So that, you need to add each merchant with products to payment object

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/one-time

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
merchantId* Your unique merchant ID.
cardToken Stored card token.
amount* Payment amount.
currency* Currency code (3 letters).
extOrderId* Your internal order ID.
extOrderUrl* Base64 encoded order URL.
returnUrl* Base64 encoded URL where users will be redirected at the end or where they will be redirected if they choose to cancel current action.
saveCard Would you like to save credit card and receive a specific stored card token?
submerchants[n].extId* Submerchant ID (from Odero PSP).
submerchants[n].name* Submerchant Name (from Odero PSP).
submerchants[n].amount* Amount to deposit
submerchants[n].commission* Submerchant commission.
submerchants[n].products[n].extId Product ID from your application. Products collection is not mandatory.
submerchants[n].products[n].price Product price from your application.
submerchants[n].products[n].quantity Product quantity.
submerchants[n].products[n].total Product price * product quantity.
submerchants[n].products[n].name Product name.
submerchants[n].products[n].image Base64 encoded image URL.* Customer email address".
customer.phoneNumber* Customer phone number (should start with country phone number prefix).
customer.deliveryInformation.deliveryType* Delivery type (e.g.: "Sameday").* Alpha code of the country set for delivery - 3 letters.* Where you will deliver requested products / services.
customer.deliveryInformation.address* Customer physical address set for delivery* Alpha code of the country set for billing - 3 letters.* City set for billing
customer.billingInformation.address* Customer physical address set for billing

Pay With Saved Card

$customer = new Customer();
$merchants[] = $merchants;

$paymentRequest = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Payment();
    ->setCardToken('savedCardToken') // 👈 add saved card token to payment

$payment = $oderopay->payments->create($paymentRequest);
  "merchantId": "uuid",
  "cardToken": "string",
  "amount": "float",
  "currency": "string",
  "extOrderId": "string",
  "extOrderUrl": "string",
  "returnUrl": "string",
  "saveCard": "bool",
  "recurring": false,
  "submerchants": [
      "extId": "uuid",
      "name": "string",
      "amount": "float",
      "commission": "float",
      "products": [
          "extId": "string",
          "price": "float",
          "quantity": "float",
          "total": "float",
          "name": "string",
          "imageUrl": "string"
  "customer": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "deliveryInformation": {
      "deliveryType": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"
    "billingInformation": {
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"

The above command returns object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

If you want to make the payment with a saved card, you need to add cardToken parameter to payment object.

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/one-time

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
cardToken Stored card token.


Create Subscription

$startDate = new DateTime();
$endDate = clone $startDate; $endDate->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 years'));

$subscription = new \Oderopay\Model\Subscription\Subscription();
$subscription->setStartDate($startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$subscription->setEndDate($endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$subscription->monthly(); //set monthly, weekly or yearly

$paymentRequest = new \Oderopay\Model\Payment\Payment();
    ->setSubscription($subscription) // 👈 set the subscription

$subscriptionRequest = $oderopay->subscriptions->create($paymentRequest); //PaymentIntentResponse

    //redirect to $payment->data['url'];
   //log the message $subscriptionRequest->message

  "merchantId": "uuid",
  "cardToken": "string",
  "amount": "float",
  "currency": "string",
  "extOrderId": "string",
  "extOrderUrl": "string",
  "returnUrl": "string",
  "successUrl": "string",
  "failUrl": "string",
  "saveCard": "bool",
  "recurring": "bool",
  "recurringInformation": {
    "startDate": "string",
    "endDate": "string",
    "timeForBillingUtc": "string",
    "interval": "string"
  "submerchants": [
      "extId": "uuid",
      "name": "string",
      "amount": "float",
      "commission": "float",
      "products": [
          "extId": "string",
          "price": "float",
          "quantity": "float",
          "total": "float",
          "name": "string",
          "imageUrl": "string"
  "customer": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "deliveryInformation": {
      "deliveryType": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"
    "billingInformation": {
      "country": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "address": "string"

The above command returns an object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

This endpoint creates a payment request and returns the url of hosted payment page if success.

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/one-time


Parameter Description
merchantId* Your unique merchant ID.
cardToken Stored card token.
amount* Payment amount.
currency* Currency code (3 letters).
extOrderId* Your internal order ID.
extOrderUrl* Base64 encoded order URL.
returnUrl* Base64 encoded URL where users will be redirected at the end or where they will be redirected if they choose to cancel current action.
saveCard Would you like to save credit card and receive a specific stored card token?
recurring* Setting a new recurring payment.
recurringInformation.startDate When will start the recurring payment. Datetime ATOM format expected. Required if recurring is true.
recurringInformation.endDate When will end the recurring payment. Datetime ATOM format expected. Required if recurring is true.
recurringInformation.timeForBillingUtc Hour and minute when we will debit client account. Required if recurring is true.
recurringInformation.interval How often you'd like to debit client account. Available options: Weekly, Monthly and Yearly. Required if recurring is true.* Customer email address".
customer.phoneNumber* Customer phone number (should start with country phone number prefix).
customer.deliveryInformation.deliveryType* Delivery type (e.g.: "Sameday").* Alpha code of the country set for delivery - 3 letters.* Where you will deliver requested products / services.
customer.deliveryInformation.address* Customer physical address set for delivery* Alpha code of the country set for billing - 3 letters.* City set for billing
customer.billingInformation.address* Customer physical address set for billing


$subscription = $oderopay->subscriptions->retry('payment-id');
  "merchantId": "uuid"

The above command returns object like this:

  "message": "string"

If a recurring payment fails, you might want to retry for transaction manually. To do so, you can call the retry endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/{id}/recurring/retry


$payment = $oderopay->subscriptions->cancel('payment-id');
  "merchantId": "uuid"

The above command returns object like this:

  "operationId": "uuid",
  "message": "string",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "uuid",
    "url": "string"

YOu might want to cancel the subscription. To do so, you can call cancel endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /api/payments/{id}/recurring/retry


$payload = @file_get_contents('php://input'); // or $_REQUEST
$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($payload, true));

switch (true) {
    case $message instanceof \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Payment:        
        /** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Payment $message */
        $paymentId = $message->getPaymentId();

    case $message instanceof \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Refund:
        /** @var  Refund $message */
        $operationId = $message->getOperationId();

        // Then update your data

    case $message instanceof \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\StoredCard:
        /** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\StoredCard $message */
        $cardToken = $message->getCardToken();

        // Then update your data
    // ... handle other event types
        echo 'Received unknown webhook ' . $message->getStatus(); //Should give ERROR

Odero uses webhooks (callback) to notify your application when an event happens in your account. Webhooks are particularly useful for asynchronous events like when a customer’s bank confirms a payment, a customer disputes a charge, a recurring payment succeeds, or when collecting subscription payments.

A webhook enables Odero to push real-time notifications to your app. Odero uses HTTPS to send these notifications to your app as a JSON payload. You can then use these notifications to execute actions in your backend systems.

How to create a webhook endpoint

Creating a webhook endpoint is no different from creating any other page on your website. It’s an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint on your server with a URL. If you’re still developing your endpoint on your local machine, it can be HTTP. After it’s publicly accessible, it must be HTTPS. You can use one endpoint to handle several different event types at once, or set up individual endpoints for specific events.

Then update your webhook (callback) url in merchant admin panel. Odero will send notifications to that url.

Webhook types

webhook types could be payment,deposit,refund,reverse, stored_card or remove_stored_card.


You will receive a payment message after handshake between customer and bank. It could be successful transaction or not.

$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($_REQUEST, true));

/** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Payment $message */
$isDepositMade = $message->isDepositMade();
$operationId = $message->getOperationId();
$cardToken = $message->getCardToken();
$cardExpirationMonth = $message->getExpirationMonth();
$cardExpirationYear = $message->getExpirationYear();
$cardLastFourDigits = $message->getLastFourDigits();
  "type": "payment",
  "operationId": "1ed4a356-55ea-67bc-b39f-83aa9247ea19",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Payment successful.",
  "data": {
    "depositMade": false,
    "cardToken": null,
    "lastFourDigits": null,
    "expirationMonth": null,
    "expirationYear": null,
    "paymentId": "7cbe2ee3-4324-4c0e-b2f6-4fe2920a77de",
    "extOrderId": "your order id, given on create payment"
Parameter Description
type payment
operationId Each payment operation id is unique. you can use this value on admin panel.
status Status of operation
message Detailed message of operation
data.depositMade (bool) If false, you need to deposit manually. See marketplace documentation.
data.cardToken If customer checked the save card option, you will receive the card token to use in future.
data.lastFourDigits If customer checked the save card option, card's last for digits
data.expirationMonth If customer checked the save card option, card's expire month
data.expirationYear If customer checked the save card option, card's expire year
data.paymentId Unique payment ID
data.extOrderId Order ID at your end that provided on payment create


You will receive deposit message when you manually deposit a payment.

$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($_REQUEST, true));

/** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Deposit $message */
$isDepositMade = $message->isDepositMade();
$operationId = $message->getOperationId();
$paymentId = $message->getPaymentId();
  "type": "deposit",
  "operationId": "1ed4a34f-60c8-687a-a14d-d53acf3cde4e",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Deposit successful.",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "9e60d19a-62e0-4d6a-a482-922ff6f01933",
    "paymentOperationId": "1ed4a34b-79a1-6fee-ad98-e794f89a217a",
    "amount": "50.88"
Parameter Description
type deposit
operationId Each payment operation id is unique. you can use this value on admin panel.
status Status of operation
message Detailed message of operation
data.paymentId Unique payment ID
data.paymentOperationId Operation ID of payment.
data.amount Deposited amount.


If the payment is not deposited, you can reverse the payment.

$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($_REQUEST, true));

/** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Reverse $message */
$isDepositMade = $message->isDepositMade();
$operationId = $message->getOperationId();
$paymentId = $message->getPaymentId();
  "type": "reverse",
  "operationId": "1ed4a34f-60c8-687a-a14d-d53acf3cde4e",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Reverse successful.",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "9e60d19a-62e0-4d6a-a482-922ff6f01933",
    "paymentOperationId": "1ed4a34b-79a1-6fee-ad98-e794f89a217a",
    "amount": "50.88"
Parameter Description
type reverse
operationId Each reverse operation id is unique. you can use this value on admin panel.
status Status of operation
message Detailed message of operation
data.paymentId Unique payment ID
data.paymentOperationId Operation ID of payment.
data.amount Deposited amount.


If the payment is deposited, you can refund the payment.

$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($_REQUEST, true));

/** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\Refund $message */
$isDepositMade = $message->isDepositMade();
$operationId = $message->getOperationId();
$paymentId = $message->getPaymentId();
  "type": "refund",
  "operationId": "1ed4a34f-60c8-687a-a14d-d53acf3cde4e",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Refund successful.",
  "data": {
    "paymentId": "9e60d19a-62e0-4d6a-a482-922ff6f01933",
    "paymentOperationId": "1ed4a34b-79a1-6fee-ad98-e794f89a217a",
    "amount": "50.88"
Parameter Description
type refund
operationId Each refund operation id is unique. you can use this value on admin panel.
status Status of operation
message Detailed message of operation
data.paymentId Unique payment ID
data.paymentOperationId Operation ID of payment.
data.amount Refunded amount.

Stored Card

If you use stored card feature, you will receive the message as below

$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($_REQUEST, true));

/** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\StoredCard $message */
$operationId = $message->getOperationId();
$cardToken = $message->getCardToken();
$cardExpirationMonth = $message->getExpirationMonth();
$cardExpirationYear = $message->getExpirationYear();
$cardLastFourDigits = $message->getLastFourDigits();
  "type": "stored_card",
  "operationId": "1ed4ac06-eb95-6a6a-89fb-9b562db4a5db",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Card saved successful.",
  "data": {
    "cardToken": "sample token",
    "lastFourDigits": "7499",
    "expirationMonth": 4,
    "expirationYear": 2023
Parameter Description
type stored_card
operationId Each store card operation id is unique. you can use this value on admin panel.
status Status of operation
message Detailed message of operation
data.cardToken you will receive the card token to use in payment requests.
data.lastFourDigits card's last for digits
data.expirationMonth card's expire month
data.expirationYear card's expire year

Remove Card

If you want to remove stored card, you will receive the message below

$message = $oderopay->webhooks->handle(json_decode($_REQUEST, true));

/** @var  \Oderopay\Model\Webhook\StoredCard $message */
$cardToken = $message->getCardToken();
  "type": "remove_stored_card",
  "operationId": "1ed4ade7-c4a0-6d00-a09b-ed7e63f1aa16",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Remove card successful.",
  "data": {
    "storedCardToken": "7fbe06bc344424724e79703d39382dcfb542bb83217e11c2a1f465ce07268983"
Parameter Description
type remove_stored_card
operationId Each store card operation id is unique. you can use this value on admin panel.
status Status of operation
message Detailed message of operation
data.storedCardToken you will receive the card token which has been removed

Status Codes

Webhook message status codes could be one of the below;


Open Source

As Oderopay, we do support open source ecommerce and we created some extensions.


After uploading files to your server, run this command

composer require oderopay/odero-php


After installation, run composer require oderopay/odero-php on your server where composer.json file is located.

Your extension is ready for configuration


To access configuration list;

Parameter Description
Api Type Live or Testing (sandbox).
Merchant ID You Odero MerchantID, you can access this from Odero Merchant Admin
Token You Odero Token, you can access this from Odero Merchant Admin
Payment Value This value will be replaced on checkout page, you can use translations
Order Status The order status will be set after successful transaction
Order Refund Status The order status will be set after refund
Order Reverse Status The order status will be set after reverse
Cancel Order Status The order status will be set after cancel, or going back from payment page.
Extension Status Set if the extension is enabled or disabled.


After a successful installation, we generate url for webhooks. Copy the generated url from Opencart Oderopay extension page and paste to settings under Odero Merchant Admin



For Woocommerce settings please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and enable OderoPay

Parameter Description
Enable/Disable If yes, customers will see the option for Oderopay on checkout page.
Title This is the title for customers to see on checkout page.
Description This is the title for customers to see on checkout page.
Merchant ID You Odero MerchantID, you can access this from Odero Merchant Admin
Merchant Token You Odero Token, you can access this from Odero Merchant Admin
Sandbox Mode For development purpose to use Odero staging environment
Merchant ID You Odero MerchantID, you can access this from Odero Merchant Admin (STG)
Merchant Token You Odero Token, you can access this from Odero Merchant Admin (STG)
Order Status You should set order statuses during the payment for your custom checkout flow
Status On Process This status is set when customer is redirected to Odero Payment Page (default on-hold)
On Payment Failed This status is set when payment is failed (default failed)
On Payment Success This status is set when payment is success. (default processing)
Secret Key A random pasphrase to secure webhook endpoint for IPN
Enable Logging Enable loging for debugging, you can access to logs on WooCommerce > Status > Logs

Test Cards

Card Number Date CVV Description
5299121033038343 07/24 742 SUCCESS - BT
5299121032998810 07/24 081 SUCCESS - BT
4140496070360295 07/24 931 SUCCESS - BT
5299121033038343 07/24 100 CVV MISMATCH - BT
4012000300201199 12/24 111 SUCCESS - SIBS
4012000300201074 12/24 111 INSUFFICIENT FUNDS - SIBS
5413330300201293 12/24 111 DO NOT HONOUR - SIBS


The Odero API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The value requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified value could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a value with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many values! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.